Implementing Innovation
Albert Einstein is credited with saying that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Innovation is a result of not doing more of the same!
From identifying a unique idea through to implementing it within your business, innovative ideas can help your brand benefit and grow beyond what you previously thought possible.
Our Innovation Seminar on Tuesday, September 21st will be led by asBuilt Digital’s David Burton, Waste Management NZ’s Ingrid Cronin Knight, and Merlot Aero’s James Braatvedt. Each will discuss their journeys including the challenges and successes throughout the innovation process, and how they went on to win Excellence in Innovation at the Westpac Auckland Business Awards.
This seminar will take place at 1pm on Zoom.
What happens after I purchase a ticket? One week prior to the event, you will receive an email with the applicable Zoom link and further details.
For any booking questions or help, please contact our team on 09 302 9915 or email us on [email protected]
David Burton
Chief Executive Officer,
asBuilt Digital
Ingrid Cronin Knight
Waste Management NZ
James Braatvedt
Principal, Commercial, & Product Strategy,
Merlot Aero