The Chinese Business Club Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony


Are you a Chinese business in New Zealand or a New Zealand business with a strong interest in the Chinese community or China?

Come to the most prestigious Chinese business dinner of the year – The Chinese Business Club Auckland Business Chamber Gala Dinner & Awards Ceremony.

Invaluable networking with 600 likeminded businesspeople/VIPs from government, local government and business. Hear the latest from government, China’s Ambassador & Auckland Business Chamber CEO, Simon Bridges.

Event Details

Date: Monday 21 November 2022
Time: 5.30pm for pre-drinks, for 6.30pm dinner
Location: The Great Room, Cordis Auckland, 83 Symonds Street, Auckland
Dress Code: Formal

Cost: $260 per person, and $1,950 per table of ten

If you have any questions or would like to register to attend, please email Frank Zhang on [email protected] or call 021 100 3218.


Please note that pre-drinks is from 5.30pm  with a prompt start at 6.30pm for dinner.

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