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Breakfast with Prime Minister

Rt Hon Chris Hipkins

Thursday 30 March 2023

7.30am – 8.30am

You have RSVP NO to the invitation to an exclusive breakfast discussion with Prime Minister Chris Hipkins

We understand that you are unable to join us for an intimate session with Prime Minister Chris Hipkins as he shares insights on what he has learned from the business community since taking office on 25 January and his views on how Auckland and business can drive NZ’s economic recovery.

If you have selected the incorrect RSVP response please contact Louise Smart on 09) 374 2262 or email [email protected] 


Event Details
Date: Thursday 30 March 2023
Time: 7.30am – 8.30am
Location: MinterEllisonRuddWatts, Level 22 PwC Tower, 15 Customs Street West, Auckland 1010

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